We Aim to Bring Much-Needed Medicines to Patients

We currently developing tamibarotene, an investigational medicine for patients with HR-MDS.

Tamibarotene for RARA Overexpression in HR-MDS

Tamibarotene (formerly SY-1425) is an oral, selective retinoid acid receptor alpha (RARĪ±) agonist that we are developing in newly diagnosed patients with RARA gene overexpression with higher-risk myelodysplastic syndrome (HR-MDS).

In our prior Phase 2 clinical trial, the doublet combination of tamibarotene and azacitidine delivered a 61% CR/CRi rate in newly diagnosed AML patients with RARA gene overexpression.1 These data support the advancement of tamibarotene in our ongoing Phase 3 SELECT-MDS-1 trial of tamibarotene in combination with azacitidine in newly diagnosed higher-risk MDS patients with RARA overexpression.

1 de Botton S., et al. Blood Advances 2022

SELECT-MDS-1 fact sheet
Downloadable MDS Trial Fact Sheet

Read more about our Phase 3 trial in HR-MDS

Access to Investigational Products Outside of a Clinical Trial

Syros has adopted a policy that describes the guidelines by which it will consider requests for access to one of its investigational products outside of a clinical trial.

You can review that policy here